Join IR today as a Partner to open up a new revenue stream, compliment your existing service and help your customers transform their UC operations.
There are four critical reasons why customers come onboard with IR; they are undertaking a UC deployment project, expensive outages occurring, user experience and satisfaction are not up to standard or their IT Operations & Resources team isn’t optimized. As a Partner, if you have one or more large customer(s) experiencing any one of these IR can help.
IR provides clarity and insight to help keep a UC deployment project moving; unforeseen issues that crop up are easily resolved with IR’s deep diving troubleshooting tool that covers the end-to-end UC environment. IR gets to the heart of the root cause of outages – allows the team to put in place automatic fixes and trigger alerts to prevent reoccurrence. IR is your customer’s best friend when it comes to adoption and managing end user complaints – we solve problems before they happen so the quality of calls doesn’t have to suffer. IR puts the power of resolving issues into the engineer's hands like never before.
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™ IR is a U.S. Registered Trademark of Integrated Research Ltd.