Arguably, one of the most overused technology buzz-phrases is “digital transformation.” It means many things to many people, and often the so-dubbed project doesn't result in anything transformative. So we advise IT leaders frequently on a.) what qualifies as a digital...
Would You Trust an Untested System?Would you board an airplane that had never actually gone on a test flight? Where the decision to put the plane into service was based solely on how it feels to sit in the passenger seat and whether or not the engine turns on when we flip the...
Contact center technology can be a beast: powerful, difficult to control and if there's something wrong with it, it can be tricky to figure out what exactly it is. Monitoring contact center technology helps you tame the beast and understand it's behavior better. This enables you...
More and more businesses are migrating to the cloud as part of a larger digital transformation strategy. Each business is different, but the transition to cloud based operations can be challenging, so you need to get this process right. Your entire communications infrastructure,...
The contact center technology landscape is changing to reform old technologies in 2017. The ultimate goal is to seamlessly combine disparate systems and create an omnichannel experience, providing people with the ability to talk with a single agent across multiple interaction...
Technology is supposed to make our lives better, not take control of our lives and make us miserable. To stay in control of the situation, you must think and plan ahead of time, which includes planning failure into the process. That means going through a testing procedure not...
This is the fourth blog post in the series where we take a comprehensive look at transitioning your unified communications to the cloud. Last time, we looked at the key areas to consider when it is time to deploy your unified comms to the cloud. To conclude the series, let's...
A project-based test is performed when implementing a new application on an IVR, changing carriers, or something else along those lines. It's a compelling event driving you to test your system one time. The test may take place over a month in which you're testing in stages...
With the launch of our UC Cloud Migration Checklist identifying the best practice steps to follow to have a successful UC move to the cloud we looked at the biggest pitfalls companies fall into that can ruin an otherwise smooth transition. Click here to download our UC cloud...
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