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HP Monitoring Tools and Solutions

IR Team

Written by IR Team


Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) is one of the world leaders in high-performance computing resources.

Data centers in many global organizations are comprised of mission-critical HP devices and applications, and other sensitive workloads on HPE NonStop servers.

In your HP environment, it's imperative to protect all your devices, servers and applications - and ensure HPE server health.

So system administrators need complete visibility into all their systems, to ensure that infrastructure capacity aligns with the evolving requirements of the business.

With the pace of business continuing to accelerate, infrastructure must be strong enough to handle increased demand, yet agile enough to evolve with needs.

Learn more about HPE NonStop performance management solutions

HPE NonStop systems process transactions for some of the most important financial institutions in the world.

For any NonStop user today, whether HP servers support financial institutions or simply provide the underlying infrastructure of other mission-critical applications, it’s vital to have access to the analytics, real-time intelligence and actionable insights that no business can afford to be without.

Monitoring provides analytics - analytics drive success

Analytics-driven strategies, and the actionable insights from payments data can lead to increased profitability by reducing costs and optimizing revenue.

IR's analytics capabilities allow these businesses to understand the pockets and patterns of growth and profitability, allowing enterprise organizations to align their IT and business applications with the insight and focus to meet strategic objectives.

Monitoring is essential not only from an IT point of view, but you need the ability to look at cyclical data and compare the volume of transactions from one calendar point to another.

If you can see real-time activity and compare it to historical data, you have a complete view of where you should be. Value-added metrics can take your analytics to another level and help businesses increase revenue.

Keeping track of a multi-tech environment

In today's hybrid working environment, organizations tend to have many different devices, applications and servers as part of their IT systems both in-house and remotely.

Many employees might rely on getting their daily work done on a mobile device, HP laptop or tablet from a remote location.

Some organizations have a network of in-house HP devices like a HP printer and monitors, and HP servers, while incorporating other non-HP tools and devices into their network environment.

Keeping track of a multi-tech environment requires IT monitoring tools that can focus on total service availability, performance, reliability and value from the user point of view.

Clear visibility into the end-user experience, requires the ability to monitor and manage your HP hardware, software, HP servers, as well as the mix of other devices, applications and operating systems within a complex ecosystem.

Why HP server monitoring is crucial

Many operations within an organization's IT network are dependent on HP servers, calling for highly integrated network monitoring.

No matter what operating system your organization uses, correlating and managing all the data and network devices from a single console is vital to detect server issues, and ensure the reliability, performance, and security of HP servers.

For an in-depth look at IT infrastructure monitoring

Read our in-depth guide

Maximizing uptime

Monitoring your HP devices and HP server health allows proactive issue detection, and helps identify potential issues and pinpoint exactly how they're affecting users before they lead to server downtime.

Real-time monitoring will prompt alerts and notifications enabling better response time for IT teams, and minimizing the impact on operations.

Performance optimization

Resource usage is important to keep track of processes like CPU utilization, power supply, bandwidth, memory usage, insufficient disk space, and network traffic. This ensures that resources are being used efficiently.

Network traffic

HP server monitoring also helps to identify bottlenecks and optimize server performance. By understanding HP server loads, administrators can balance workloads more effectively across multiple servers, enhancing overall system capabilities.

Capacity planning and scalability

The historical data provided by monitoring tools helps with trend analysis, understanding usage patterns of your HP devices, and predicting future resource needs that can help with capacity planning and scalability.

This is a key consideration for organizations, as it ensures that HP servers can handle increased loads as the business grows, and plan accordingly for necessary upgrades or expansions.

Security and Compliance

Monitoring your HP hardware can not only detect HP server issues, but recognize unusual activity that could indicate potential security threats, such as unauthorized access attempts or unusual traffic patterns.

Additionally, many industries have regulations that require regular monitoring and reporting of server health and security. Monitoring tools help satisfy these mandatory compliance requirements.

Cost Management

Proper monitoring helps organizations utilize their resources efficiently, ensuring that resources are not over-provisioned in certain areas, which can save on costs.

Downtime can be costly, particularly for enterprise organizations, so effective monitoring will maximize uptime and network availability by managing your resources, and leading to significant cost savings.

Performance metrics matter

IT organizations today are are prioritizing customer service and proactive management in their business operations. Rather than conventional system management, and after-the-fact troubleshooting, IT strategies are now focusing on optimizing user experience.

HP performance metrics are essential for the effective monitoring and management of HP products. They provide critical insights that enable proactive maintenance, optimize performance, support capacity planning, enhance user experience, ensure security, and guide strategic decision-making.

HP hardware monitoring solutions not only detect hardware issues, but monitor key metrics, to provide essential data to keep devices and applications running smoothly.

Network Performance Metrics

Key aspects of HP server monitoring

By leveraging performance metrics, real-time alerts, and comprehensive third-party monitoring tools like IR Infrastructure, organizations can ensure their HP servers operate optimally, minimize downtime, enhance security, and effectively plan for future growth.

Here are some of the key features of our world class monitoring solution, and how it can help with managing and troubleshooting your Hewlett Packard or hybrid environment.

Hardware monitoring

Real time monitoring of CPU utilization, memory, power supply, fan speed, partition details, disk space, and network interfaces.

Monitoring can also track temperature, humidity, and other environmental factors that can affect your HP server health.

Performance monitoring

Monitoring your HP processor load can identify processes that consume excessive CPU resources, as well as track memory usage and identify memory leaks or applications that consume excessive memory.

Monitoring disk read/write operations can effectively identify performance bottlenecks.

Monitoring allows organizations to track network usage and identify network-related performance issues.

Software and application monitoring

Monitoring the health of your HP server's operating system, ensures that it's running smoothly and efficiently.

Monitoring specific services, databases, and web servers means you can keep track of the performance, resource usage and availability of all applications running on your HP server.

Log monitoring and analysis

Monitoring allows you to regularly view system logs for errors, warnings, and other critical messages that can indicate underlying issues with your HP devices, applications and software.

Analyzing logs from applications can detect anomalies or performance issues, while monitoring security logs will detect and proactively respond to security threats.

Network monitoring

Monitoring the amount of data being transmitted and received helps manage bandwidth and ensures that the network is not becoming bottle-necked.

Alerting and notifications

Effective monitoring generates real-time alerts for critical issues and services, such as hardware failures, high resource usage, or security breaches.

Monitoring solutions allow organizations to set up notifications based on specific thresholds and conditions tailored to their needs.

Reporting and analytics

HP server monitoring generates regular reports on server performance metrics, to provide insights into overall system health.

Using historical data, monitoring solutions can analyze these metrics and gain information on performance trends, to help with capacity planning and proactive maintenance.

Automated remediation

HP monitoring enables IT teams to set up automated scripts that can respond to certain conditions, such as restarting systems and services or reallocating resources when specific thresholds are met.

This automation can implement systems to curtail certain issues without human intervention, which helps cut costs, better utilize manpower and reduce downtime.

How IR Infrastructure can help manage your HP servers

Our performance management solution for HPE NonStop servers has been designed to built to optimize the performance and availability of your business-critical applications. Here's how:

  • Provides a holistic view of all HPE NonStop components through a single pane of glass

  • Generates automatic reports to save time and resources

  • Assists with software auditing and capacity planning

  • Supports cross platform CI-Ready environments

  • Integrates key performance and availability data with enterprise management frameworks

  • Reduces manual tasks via automation

  • Supports network, storage and Telco CLIMS

Remote Working

Remote working has further added to the complexity of UC&C environments, so IT teams need to quickly identify and resolve issues before they impact users.

Many operations in your network are dependent on servers, whether they're in the cloud or on-premises, or a combination of both.

This requires a highly integrated network monitoring solution that can easily correlate all your data, as well as troubleshoot and manage all the network devices from a single pane of glass.

Performance and availability

By gathering performance information, IR Infrastructure can ensure that your IT team maintains full control of your network traffic, and overall network availability and health.


Data analytics provide real-time and historical insight at your fingertips, so that organizations can gain valuable insights from the vast volume of data. This leads to data-driven decision-making, enhanced productivity, and improved collaboration.

Like many other IT vendors, Hewlett Packard Enterprises is helping organizations to transform to a hybrid infrastructure.

Whether it's the old operating system working in combination with new servers, existing IT working with private clouds or even a mix of private and public clouds working together, HP monitoring is crucial to ensuring that your IT components become a seamless working ecosystem.

Why choose IR Infrastructure for HP monitoring?

  • See your data your way with customizable dashboards and displays

  • Detailed analytics and reporting give you deep visibility into system performance

  • Uncover actionable insights and make adjustments that better meet the specific needs of your business

  • Quickly drill down into the root-cause of issues to minimize the impact to your operations

  • Get real-time visibility from a single view and manage your environment with precision

  • Stay in control with automated alerts and dynamic thresholds

Ensure your infrastructure is running effectively to support the business-critical systems you rely on every day with IR Infrastructure.


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Topics: HPE Nonstop Real-time monitoring Infrastructure

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