Optimize customer satisfaction and user experience with voice, web and video testing
If customer service is the lifeblood of your business, then a great customer experience must be at the heart. It’s essential that your unified communications and contact center technology is working well – all the time.
With IR Collaborate voice, web and video testing solutions you can identify the gaps between your assumptions and actual system performance, and get the real-time insights you need to deliver a level of service that exceeds customer expectations.
Deploy new technology with confidence
Deploy new technology with confidence
Handle peak traffic with ease
Maximize customer satisfaction
Proactively manage UC and CC performance
Test voice, web and video interactions
Go live with confidence
Minimize the potential for disruption and make sure new technology has a positive impact because it works as intended. Outside-in, end-to-end performance testing ensures your customers’ experience will be exceptional.
Load test to ensure performance
Have confidence that your unified communications and contact center systems can handle full and peak load scenarios. Avoid downtime by stress testing voice, web and video under real-world conditions.
Deliver a great customer experience - every time
Automated, outside-in testing lets you know what your customers and users are experiencing in your production environment. Get detailed, real-time insight into voice, web, and video availability, performance, and quality of service to elevate customer satisfaction.
Solve problems before they impact customers
Find and fix issues quickly with automatic alerts pinpointing problems like system unavailable, long response times, packet loss, jitter, latency, picture quality, etc. Proactively test all the components in your UC and CC environments to ensure optimal performance.
Test voice, web and video under real-world conditions
User experience is critical! Be confident your UC, collaboration, and contact center systems deliver an exceptional one with real-time testing, under real-world conditions to verify capacity, performance, stability, and resilience.
HeartBeat generates alerts for 300+ customer experience-impacting issues every day
Avoid basic availability issues and stop systems ghosting your customers
95% of StressTest engagements identify serious customer experience-impacting issues
Enterprise UC
Get end-to-end visibility across your entire multi-vendor UC ecosystem, so that you can quickly identify, troubleshoot and resolve UC related issues.
Customer Experience Validation and Testing Solutions helped identify issues with SIP trunks, Quality of Service (QoS), coding and more
Introducing something new can always cause a little uncertainty.
So as Snohomish County Public Utility District (PUD) No. 1 worked to deploy a new IVR system, staff knew it must ensure its 350,000 customers could continue easily making contact using the new platform.
HeartBeat, our cloud-based CX validation service, accesses and interacts with your UC and CC solutions 24 x 7 x 365. HeartBeat’s automated calling process replicates actual customer interactions via real telephony calls, and lets you know what your customers are experiencing real-time.
WebBeat for Online Solutions outside-in Customer Experience (CX) validation testing provides you with confidence that your online communications solution is always working, helps ensure you meet your service level requirements, and gives you documented results so you can review and control testing activity.
StressTest Premium leverages the power of IR Collaborate to provide deep insights into your environment while your system is under stress and goes beyond component-level testing to reveal the Customer Experience (CX) delivered under real-world conditions, with minimal technology investment.
Video is the new normal for enterprise interactions. And when customers choose a video channel to interact with your brand, they expect an easy, quick and seamless experience. StressTest for video provides insight into your Unified Communications (UC) and Contact Center (CC) systems – ensuring your team is ready to handle peak video traffic conditions.