Finding meaning in real-time, high-volume, complex data streams from mission critical systems.
Prognosis is a unique hybrid-cloud platform that brings together reliability, agility, and innovation to solve the complexities of managing critical technologies that keep you in business.
The Prognosis platform underpins IR's key solutions across Collaborate, Transact and Infrastructure, enabling and delivering insights and analytics for real-time, high-volume, complex data streams.
Leveraging the power and scale of the cloud to deliver faster deployment, greater innovation, and better agility for delivering continuous enhancements.
Highly customizable, with real-time, scalable, data collection and extracting meaning aligned to the specific requirements of each unique deployment.
Innovative remote data collection and automation technology, enabling rapid deployment, configuration, and remote management of intelligent software agents.
Prognosis Server, Prognosis Cloud, and Prognosis Edge, work together to form a powerful engine that drives unique hybrid capabilities.
As data drives change, Prognosis provides the clarity to see what’s ahead and evolve with it, and the flexibility to tune our domain expertise to whatever technology will make the next transformative impact.
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™ IR is a U.S. Registered Trademark of Integrated Research Ltd.