Are you unlocking the opportunity in your cards data?

Deliver real-time intelligence and actionable insights from your digital transaction data.

As card transaction volumes continue to grow and organizations race to keep pace with the "new normal" they need actionable insights to help them make informed business decisions and deliver a seamless end-to-end purchasing experience.

IR Transact Card Payments enables real-time access to transaction information, accelerating data into intelligence and allowing you to capture opportunities within complex environments to surpass the payments experience your customers expect.

Elevate customer satisfaction

Elevate customer satisfaction

Turn payments data into intelligence

Assure the transactions that keep you in business

Reduce lost revenue

Deliver the best possible customer experience

Streamline the payments journey and stay on top of evolving trends to ensure you're delivering a superior customer encounter with your brand.

Uncover the opportunities in your data

Uncover business opportunity by easily accessing, manipulating and analyzing large, complex sets of transaction data in seconds, and uncover opportunities to maximize customer loyalty and success.

Keep your payments flowing

Ensure transactions are flowing smoothly, spot changes in purchasing behaviour and track key performance metrics to identify areas for improvement and gain a competitive edge. 

Protect your bottom line

Poorly performing systems lead to long queues, abandoned purchases, and dissatisfied customers. Deep insights allow you to spot patterns and prevent issues to keep payments flowing.


Deliver real-time intelligence and actionable insights


IR's Transact suite of solutions simplify the complexity of managing modern payments ecosystems, bringing real-time visibility to your entire payments environment.

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