The world’s entire financial ecosystem is experiencing seismic turmoil as banks and financial institutions globally...
The rapid evolution of the payments space means consumers are demanding more choices as to how they engage with...
Payments are at the heart of commerce in any economy. The future of payments is changing rapidly, driven by a growing...
According to the 2022 Global Payments Report by Worldpay, "The traditional lines between banking, payments and commerce...
Alternate payment channels have gone viral. Today’s consumers enjoy more purchasing options than ever before. Types of businesses have diversified, and technology has spurred new payment methods, including mobile wallets, tokens, and payment enabled wearables.
As a keen observer of the cryptocurrency craze that's happened in 2017 and will likely continue in the foreseeable...
The typical financial institution has evolved over the years by adding pieces of technology as demands arise, leading to a house of cards. Making changes would likely be hazardous because you simply have no idea what could potentially break as a result. Perhaps you've recently...
As Apple Pay reaches its two and half year birthday, it's time for us to take a look at how well it's faring with both users and the payments industry as a whole. When it made its U.S. launch in October 2014, it reached a level of success that garnered widespread attention. You...
New US financial regulations, such as the "Dodd-Frank" Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, have enforced many banks in the US, Europe, and Asia to look at ways that can be used to verify audibility and intelligibility of voice recordings. Such recordings contain the...
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